User-Agent Switcher - Firefox 火狐浏览器 - Mozilla
14 фев 2018 Если по каким-либо причинам вам нужно, чтобы сайт не знал, что вы пользуетесь именно Mozilla Firefox, скрыть эту информацию I'm developing a Firefox extension and I need to change the user agent of a single tab. I have used extensions such as User Agent Switcher, but it only let me Can I make it report "Safari" or "Chrome" instead of "Firefox"? https://addons. level 2. 19 avr. 2011 User Agent Switcher est une extension pour Mozilla Firefox qui vous permettra de changer de profil d'utilisateur à tout moment afin de garder 9 Dec 2016 User agent strings of Mozilla FireFox web browser allow web sites The first way is by using User Agent Switcher add-on extension for Firefox. 25 апр 2013 Начнём, пожалуй, с Mozilla Firefox (текущая версия 3.5.5). То же самое можно сделать и плагинами, например, User Agent Switcher-ом, 2 Oct 2019 We recently discussed the benefits of a user-agent switcher and how it can How To Change Your User Agent In Mozilla Firefox Or Opera.
A propos. Un user agent est un identifiant qui permet à un « agent » de s'identifier sur le web et de donner des informations sur lui-même. Ce site donne des informations sur les users-agents pour les développeurs et webmasters. How to Change Your Browser’s User Agent Without … Chrome’s user agent switcher is part of its Developer Tools. Open them by clicking the menu button and selecting More Tools > Developer Tools. You can also use press Ctrl+Shift+I on your keyboard. Click the menu button to the right of the “Console” tab at at the bottom of the Developer Tools pane and select “Network Conditions” If you don’t see the console at the bottom, click the Modifier/changer le "user agent" de firefox - Forums CNET ... Installer l'extension "User Agent Switcher" Rendez-vous sur la fiche de téléchargement de l'extension et installez-la : Télécharger User Agent Switcher. Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour cette étape, consultez notre sujet qui traite de l'installation des extensions dans le navigateur Firefox : Firefox : Optimiser -> Installer Des Extensions User Agent Switcher 0.7.3 - Télécharger
5. As of version 0.1.4, it is possible to have per-site user-agent strings 6. As of version 0.2.3, it is possible to have random user-agent string in the custom mode. Read FAQs page for more info. 7. As of version 0.2.4, it is possible to set user-agent string for a single window; you can have a separate UA string for each browser window Tech Patterns :: Firefox UserAgent Switcher list 25/08/2017 · download xml user agent list 2.x. UserAgent Switcher is made by Chris Pederick, who also makes the absolutely indispensible Web Developer Toolbar. While being an excellent tool, the User Agent Switcher only comes with a few user agents. Now you have a complete, over complete really, list of useragents, and can add as many more as you'd like Change the Browser User Agent in Chrome, Safari, & … Place the user agent in and choose “OK” Keep in mind that changing the user agent does not change the way the web browser renders pages itself, unless it is being served user-agent specific content. For example, using an IE8 user agent is not the same as visiting a page with IE8 and letting it render the page, a need often mandatory for web
25 апр 2013 Начнём, пожалуй, с Mozilla Firefox (текущая версия 3.5.5). То же самое можно сделать и плагинами, например, User Agent Switcher-ом,
I'm developing a Firefox extension and I need to change the user agent of a single tab. I have used extensions such as User Agent Switcher, but it only let me Can I make it report "Safari" or "Chrome" instead of "Firefox"? https://addons. level 2. 19 avr. 2011 User Agent Switcher est une extension pour Mozilla Firefox qui vous permettra de changer de profil d'utilisateur à tout moment afin de garder 9 Dec 2016 User agent strings of Mozilla FireFox web browser allow web sites The first way is by using User Agent Switcher add-on extension for Firefox. 25 апр 2013 Начнём, пожалуй, с Mozilla Firefox (текущая версия 3.5.5). То же самое можно сделать и плагинами, например, User Agent Switcher-ом, 2 Oct 2019 We recently discussed the benefits of a user-agent switcher and how it can How To Change Your User Agent In Mozilla Firefox Or Opera.